Friday, June 02, 2006

Final exam questions

Two of the three following questions will appear on your take-home final exam, and you will craft an essay in response to one of them. I will announce the two questions in class on Wednesday, June 7.

Your typed final exam will be due no later than 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 10. I will be in our usual classroom to collect them between 9:30 and 10 a.m. that day. Exams may be turned in earlier to my mailbox in 2134A Hart Hall. Please do NOT turn in exams to my office in Kerr Hall..

No late exams will be accepted. No exceptions!

Note: All responses must reference The Devil in the White City. You should, of course, also draw on other course readings and lectures (including by guest lecturer Melissa Strong and the political cartoons and poems passed out in class). You may draw on relevant blog entries as well. The majority of your references should come from material presented in the second half of the course.

1. In The Devil in the White City, Erik Larson refers to “transitional women” (199). What does he mean by this term? In what ways were women transitioning during the 1890s, and how are these transitions connected with the themes of this course?

2. In what ways did imperialism and science go hand-in-hand in the 1890s? At the 1893 World's Fair, did one justify the other, or were they codependent?

3. What factors of the 1890s made bicycles so popular? Do the same factors, or different ones, account for the popularity and success of The White City, the Midway Plaisance, and Coney Island?


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